IT support is necessary, there is no doubt about it! The dilemma arises when the way we want it. Whether to go for remote IT support or on-site IT support, is the real question. In today’s article, we are going to talk about both these options, from their benefits to flaws so that you can make an informed decision for your business. So without any further delay, let’s begin.

Remote IT Support

Remote IT support is the practice where the team provides IT support to the businesses without being physically present at their location. All the troubleshooting and technical assistance is done remotely. Here are some key components of this process:

Remote Access Software

This software is the backbone of remote IT support as it provides technicians access to the client’s system. Using this software, they can see the the client’s screen, take control of specific functions, and directly manipulate settings thus allowing them to diagnose and fix problems virtually. Some of such software are TeamViewer and AnyDesk.

Phone and Online Support

Since the whole process takes place virtually, the phone and internet act as a communication medium here. All the support is provided through these channels only including describing issues, receiving guidance, and clarifying confusion, 

Ticketing System

Ticketing system is one of the most common practices used in remote IT support. In this process, users can submit detailed reports of their problems, technicians can manage support requests efficiently, and both parties can have access to a documented history of the issue for future reference, thus streamlining the communication and issue tracking. Some popular tools used for this purpose are Zendesk, ServiceNow, and Freshservice.


  • Cost Effective

Since in remote IT support, technicians don’t have to travel to client locations, it eliminates their travel expenditure thus ultimately reducing the overall cost. Moreover, this reduced travel time can also be translated to faster response time which will further increase the efficiency.

  • Downtime Minimization

There are many IT problems like software installation issues, application errors, or network configuration issues that can be diagnosed and resolved remotely much quicker than scheduling an on-site visit. When done the same, this minimizes user downtime, thus keeping business operations running smoothly.

  • Accessibility and Convenience

Remote IT support can be accessed anywhere in the world, users just need an internet connection. This is beneficial for all those geographically dispersed workforces or businesses with flexible work arrangements as their employees can receive assistance without needing to be physically present in the office.


  • Not Ideal For All Situations

Yes, remote support excels at addressing a lot of software issues but it cannot handle everything. There are certain situations like hardware failure or complex troubleshooting where the physical manipulation of equipment is required or a technician needs to observe the situation in person. In such cases, on-site support becomes necessary.

  • Reliant on stable internet connection 

As we have mentioned users just need an internet connection for accessing remote IT support but what if there is no internet connection or the user is facing connectivity issues during the ongoing remote session? It will not only hinder the communication but also the entire troubleshooting process, thus affecting business operations.

On-site IT Support

On-site IT support is the traditional method of providing IT support to businesses in which the technician visits the business location in person to diagnose and resolve issues. This approach is usually used when problems arise that can not be addressed remotely. Coming to the execution, the technicians typically carry a variety of tools and diagnostic equipment to tackle a wide range of situations.


  • Hands-on Expertise in Hardware and Complex Troubleshooting Issues

The hardware and complex troubleshooting issues are something that cannot be virtually eliminated, in-person inspection becomes necessary. Even if somehow the issues get solved remotely, it probably won’t be that effective when done physically. With on-site IT support, technicians can diagnose the problem by running diagnostics, testing components, or observing user interactions with the equipment, thus allowing for a more thorough and efficient solution compared to remote troubleshooting, which might be limited by factors like internet connectivity.

  • Knowledge Sharing

On-site IT support gives businesses a chance to have face-to-face interaction with the technicians. The business can ask them for personalized guidance and training, explanation of technical concepts, demonstrating troubleshooting techniques, or offer customized solutions, thus equipping employees with valuable knowledge.

  • Quicker Resolution For Some Problems

For certain problems, physical access leads to a faster resolution. For example, a quick hardware replacement like a bad memory module can get a user back up and running much faster compared to waiting for remote diagnostics and potential replacements to arrive.


  • Higher Cost

This disadvantage is obvious as in on-site IT support, the technicians had to travel to the locations, which adds cost to the overall service. Moreover, the business is located in geographically dispersed locations, the cost increases significantly. 

  • Limited Availability Outside Business Hours

In most cases, on-site support is limited to regular business hours only which means if there is a critical issue arising outside business hours, businesses have to wait for a while, thus leading to extended downtime. Therefore, it is advised to all businesses operating 24×7 to consider additional support options or have a premium service agreement in place for meeting immediate IT support.

  • Less Scalable For Geographically Dispersed Businesses

For all those businesses that are located at multiple locations or have remote employees, on-site support becomes less scalable for them as the technicians cannot connect with all the users.

Factors to Consider While Choosing the Type of IT Support

  • Budget

Remote IT support is surely a budget-friendly option since there are no travel costs here but there can be some additional costs as well. For example, if your internet connection is not working properly you need to go for a pricy bandwidth upgrade. Additionally, certain software licenses are also required in remote IT support which will increase the overall cost.

On the other hand, on-site IT support includes travel costs so it is going to be costly than remote IT support. The best option is to look for a managed IT service provider that can provide you a mix of both, remote and on-site support, thus giving you a cost-effective solution.

  • Infrastructure Complexity

You need to understand the complexity of your business infrastructure first as it will play a crucial role in deciding the kind of IT support. If your business has an extensive hardware setup, specialized equipment, or legacy systems then on-site support might be more beneficial for you. Otherwise, if your business primarily deals with cloud-based solutions or standardized hardware, then you can opt for remote IT support.

  • Location and Workforce Distribution

If you have multiple offices or remote employees then remote IT support is an ideal choice since it will allow technicians to connect with all users, thus offering greater flexibility and scalability. On the other hand, if your business is centralized then you can look for a mix of both onsite and remote IT support. The first one will be reserved for complex issues while the latter one can be utilized for handling everyday issues.

  • Downtime Tolerance

Identify your business core and critical processes and analyze how downtime would affect them. You need to check whether an immediate response is required or a certain amount of downtime can be tolerated. If the need is for immediate response, go for on-site support otherwise, if temporary disruption wouldn’t cause significant issues, remote support can be looked upon.


We have discussed the strengths and weaknesses of both on-site and remote IT support. Now, it’s your time to understand both of these, analyze the needs of your business, and opt for the appropriate option. Remember, there is no necessity for going with a single option only. There are various managed IT service providers that offer a hybrid solution i.e. providing both on-site and remote IT support, so you can consider that as well. One such managed IT service provider is mentioned just below this section, so do check it out.

How Nsite Can Help You?

Nsite Solutions has been providing Information Technology Services and Solutions to the Austin, Texas SMB Market since 2014. We have embraced the managed IT services model and focused on delivering the best IT support to our clients. At Nsite Solutions our clients are our number one priority, and by providing fast and efficient customer service, high-value technology strategy, and proactive network management, we ensure that every detail is taken care of. So do check us out.