An IT service provider comes with a lot of benefits and has now become a must for every business. But you know what, it too has got some disadvantages, and these disadvantages are not something that can be ignored, they have to be addressed. Today’s article is all about this only, identifying the problems and addressing them. So without any further delay, let’s talk about 8 common managed IT services problems and how to solve them.

Improper or Delayed Response

The main function of an IT service provider is to provide support when you need it but surprisingly, some of them even fail in that as well, the rest of the functions are a matter of later. When a business’s system crashes and everything gets stopped, IT support becomes the need of the hour but what they get is either a no response from their IT service provider or a delayed one, which not only causes loss of productivity but revenue as well.

This whole situation can be avoided if businesses set clear expectations first. The agreement between them should clearly state how long will it take for the IT support to arrive, and what will happen if they fail to do so. Always have a conversation with them about your communication needs and how quickly you expect a response from them so that your business can run smoothly without being halted.

Absence of Proactive IT Support

The reason an IT service provider is also called an IT service partner is because they are supposed to be business partners not just a reactive service. It shouldn’t be like they are just arriving at the time of crises, instead, they should be constantly monitoring business systems for potential problems and taking steps to prevent them from occurring in the first place. This is what proactive IT support means and something that should be there from an IT service provider.

Thus, look for an IT service provider that offers proactive IT support services as part of their package and has the necessary tools and expertise for identifying and addressing potential problems before they become critical crises. Remember, without proactive IT support, you are just waiting for something to break before it gets fixed, which unfortunately leads to downtime, data loss, and security breaches.

Not Having Proper Security Measures For Network Security

Your network is the backbone of your business. Protecting it should be your priority as well as your IT service provider’s. In case, they fail to do so, your network might have to deal with the following threats:

  • Malware: It includes viruses, worms, and ransomware. These malicious programs can damage your system, steal data, and even hold it hostage for ransom.
  • Hackers: They can break into your system and steal your data, disrupt your business operations, and launch attacks against your system.
  • Phishing Attacks: In this kind of attack, emails are designed to trick users into clicking malicious links that can infect the system with malware.

Therefore, to make sure, your system doesn’t have to deal with the above-mentioned threats, look for an IT service provider that is aware of as well as knows how to prevent them. They should have a strong security track record as well as security services like firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and data encryption techniques which will help them in identifying and addressing the threats.

Reliance on Specific Technologies or Vendors

Although most of the IT service providers are flexible, there are still some of them that either rely on specific technologies or vendors. Working with these kinds of IT service providers would businesses in a lot of trouble as they would be unable to take advantage of new and improved solutions that come onto the market. Moreover, it would also make it difficult for them to switch or negotiate the price. The unfortunate thing is that many IT service providers do these things on purpose so as to put businesses in such positions.

To avoid so, businesses should look for an IT service provider that uses open standards and is vendor-agnostic meaning they don’t rely on any particular technology or vendors and can offer a variety of solutions to choose from. Additionally, ensure you have to flexibility to switch to a different IT service provider in the future, if necessary.

Improper Service Level Agreements

A service level agreement is a contract between you and your IT service provider that clearly outlines all the services that will be provided to you by them, the expected response time for support inquiries, and the penalties if they fail to meet those expectations.

What makes this SLA important is that it helps in ensuring both parties are on the same page. Whereas, in the case of an improper SLA, misunderstandings and dissatisfaction can happen on both sides, something no businesses want so ensure your SLA is properly defined.

You can do so by taking time to read it carefully and understand everything that is included. Moreover, do not be afraid to ask questions if there’s anything you don’t understand, negotiate it until you reach an agreement that works for both parties.

High Service Costs

The IT service providers are very well aware of the fact that they have become a valuable investment for businesses. This awareness has made them increase their service costs. Now, there is not much you can do about this cost but at least you can make sure every cost is worth spending.

The more the cost is, the more comprehensive the service package will be. From proactive maintenance to security services and 24/7 support, ensure all these facilities are provided to you by your IT service provider.

Although we have said that nothing much can be done about the price, you can still try to negotiate with the IT service provider and get a customized plan which would surely be more budget-friendly than the standard packs. Also, try to get quotes from different IT service providers as it will help you in making the right decision.

Lack of Scalability

The ultimate goal of every business is to grow and to achieve so, they try to do almost every possible thing. Now just imagine, how unfortunate it would be if that growth got hindered just because your IT service provider couldn’t scale its services to meet your business’s growing demands. This lack of scalability not only stops your business from growing but causes disruption, downtime, and increased costs as you would be required to migrate to a new IT service provider.

The best way to avoid such situations is by choosing an IT service provider that has a proven track record of scaling its services to meet the needs of its clients. Apart from this, do not forget to ask about their plans for future growth, just don’t believe what they say.

Communication Gaps

Regardless of the relationship, if you want it to be successful, you need to have clear communication especially when dealing with IT service providers. The reason for so is that if there is any kind of gap between you and your service provider then it will lead to misunderstandings of your IT needs, missing deadlines, unresolved issues, and frustration on both, which are not good for the business. 

This kind of thing usually happens when there is no communication plan defined between the IT service provider and the business. Neither do they have documented procedures nor a point of contact who will be responsible for ensuring proper communication between both parties. 

So to avoid such consequences, businesses should establish a communication schedule, designate a point of contact who will be responsible for communicating any issues or concerns, and most importantly, not hesitate to ask questions if anything is unclear.


Everything has its pros and cons. We cannot avoid IT services just because of their flaws as they have advantages as well. The best option here is to proactively address these challenges and transform these obstacles into opportunities thus unlocking the full potential of a powerful managed IT services partnership.

How Nsite Can Help You?

Nsite Solutions has been providing Information Technology Services and Solutions to the Austin, Texas SMB Market since 2014. We have embraced the managed IT services model and focused on delivering the best IT support to our clients. At Nsite Solutions our clients are our number one priority, and by providing fast and efficient customer service, high-value technology strategy, and proactive network management, we ensure that every detail is taken care of. So do check us out.